Activities include: Eye Cerf, Tattoo Clinic, Fun Match, Pot Luck, and ICSSC Monthly Meeting
Saturday, September 5th, 2009
Right after judging (please put in for an early show time when making entries) OR 1pm if judging is really early.
Location: Casa da Massey. aka Kell Shelties East. aka Amy and Charlie and babies place in Swan IA
BRING: x-pens and crates and shade cloths (dogs and crates not to be in house except for testing), Chair, Food to share- for instance, hy-vee deli on the way from the show site to Amy’s; chips; veggies; fruit; water or soda.
Eye Cerf is $25 per dog, and Tattoos are $15 per dog, or you can pay for your dog's Eye Cerf. or Tattoo with PayPal On line for Health Clinic:
This service adds 4% to cover this service.
Please Include your name, address, and the name of your dog, with your payment!